Time for some oven baked goodness! Freshly baked buns & cookies are truly one of the best treats one can enjoy. Today Hungry Panda presents our favorite pastry and cookie recipes, from caramel apple tarts to rainbow profiteroles, there's a lot of things to like. Sit back and enjoy!
0:00 Rainbow Profiterole
2:05 Cookie Pretzel
3:38 Banana Rolls
4:09 Caramel Apple Tart
4:37 Banana Muffins
5:06 Caramel Cinnamon Rolls
6:10 Mini Lemon Flower
7:03 Watermelon Cookies
8:34 Festive Eclairs
9:37 Chocolate Peanut Butter & Cherry Cookies
Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa
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#Pastries #FunFoodRecipes #KidsFood
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