Hey there, prankster Pandas! Are you itching to pull some pranks? Well, march on over and get cookin’, cause we are making the best food pranks for the prank wars! Make edible forks, shaving cream pies, or just put a balloon in someone's cupcake. Don't forget to stay tuned for more funny situations and prank wars by Crafty Panda School!
00:00 Play-doh Bubblegum
00:51 Edible Fork
01:39 Shaving Cream Prank
02:26 Balloon In A Cupcake
03:27 Fake Blood
04:05 Hot Soup
04:56 Toilet Prank
05:44 Cola With Ketchup
06:39 Sandwich Prank
07:22 Cereal With Worms
#FoodPranks #PrankWars #CraftyPandaSchool
Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa
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